A conversation I had with a painter colleague dealt with colour, and combinations of incongruous hues. My friend jokingly suggested a combination I could think of including in a work, namely orange and purple. I enjoyed the conversation greatly and took his suggestion as an honourable challenge and I suddenly felt I must build a painting on this very theme. Orange opposes blue on the colour wheel so I wanted blue in there, to have these kicking against each other on the canvas for eternity. Purple has tremendous dignity and an otherworldly aloofness I wanted to emphasize, thus I let her float over the arguing couple. To be given a random brief can sometimes help us move outside our comfort zone, and as soon as I had braved the orange I felt I had earned the right to work with the ultimate colour, the grandfather of all colours, namely white. The fact that my friend comes from Holland made the choice of orange appropriate and the advisory role he played added a communal feel to the work. As a counter challenge I gave him white and pink. He managed to deal with this duo without difficulty.
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